Births and deaths

Period: Annual
Year: 2023

01. Contact
02. Metadata update
03. Statistical presentation
04. Unit of measure
05. Reference Period
06. Institutional Mandate
07. Confidentiality
08. Release policy
09. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy and reliability
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment

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01. ContactTop
01.1. Contact organisation

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

01.2. Contact organisation unit

Demography departmant and Health Statistics


01.3. Contact name

Gordana Bjelobrk

01.4. Contact person function

Restricted from publication

01.5. Contact mail address

5 Milana Rakića, Belgrade

01.6. Contact email address

01.7. Contact phone number

+381 11 2412 922 ext: 280

01.8. Contact fax number

Restricted from publication

02. Metadata updateTop
02.1. Metadata last certified
02.2. Metadata last posted
02.3. Metadata last update

03. Statistical presentationTop
03.1. Data description

Final results on the main demographic developments in the year of reference. The methodology onbirths and deths and reference data are in line with United Nations recommendations "Principles and recommendations for the Vital Statistics System", Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 205/2014. Also, methodology and data harmonized with the census methodology 2011 and 2022.

The objective of the annual survey on births is to collect data on demographic features of live births and stillborns, as well as on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of parents.
The statistics of births are envisaged to cover all births (live births and stillborns).
The following data are collected: municipality of birth, vitality, sex, date of birth and personal number (JMBG), citizenship of child, body mass and length at birth, and gestation age as well, place of usual residence of mother, child birth order, child born within wedlock, out of wedlock or is abandoned newborn, parents’ date of birth, parents’ place of birth, parents’ citizenship, ethnicity, educational attainment, activity and occupation.
The objective of the annual survey on deaths is to collect data on demographic and socio-economic features of deceased person, data on origin and cause of death, as well as data on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of mother of deceased infant.
The following data are collected: for every deceased person (sex, date of death, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, ethnicity, place of usual residence, marital status, educational attainment, activity, occupation, where the death event took place, informant on cause of death, underlying cause of death, origin of death), for deceased infant (child born within wedlock or out of wedlock, body mass at birth, gestation age, date of birth of mother, number of children that mother has born up to the moment), for violent deaths (origin of violent death, nature of injury).
From 2020, the data in the group Codes for special purposes (ICD-10, group XXII) appear in the tables. The number of deaths from this group of diseases are diseases that could be related with COVID-19.


03.2. Classification system

International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO - 88 and ISCO - 08

International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems – 10th revision (ICD-10)


03.3. Coverage - sector

Sector for the labor market, health, demographic trends and the development of an integrated system of registers   

The Division of Demography and Health statistics

performs: tasks in the field of labor market statistics, demographic statistics and non-monetary health statistics; 
organizes and realizes the development of an integrated system of registers; methodological development,
management and maintenance of the statistical business register and the register of classification units; analysis and integration of administrative
and other data sources for the production of official and experimental statistics; cooperates intensively with relevant international institutions
and participates in the work of international groups for social and business statistics and the application of administrative and other data sources in statistics.
03.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Statistical concept and definitions  

Concept: Usually resident population 


A live-born child is a child who shows signs of life (breathing, i.e. heart beating) after birth, even for short, independently on the duration of the pregnancy.


If a child is born, i.e. extracted from the mother’s body with no sign of life, i.e. if she/he does not breath or show any sign of life, such as heart beating or muscle movements, and was carried over 28 weeks (7 lunar months), she/he is considered a stillborn (late foetal death).

Deceased person is a person for who after live birth, the permanent stoppage of all vital signs/functions is registered.

Deceased infant is a child for whom after live birth, and before one year of age all vital signs have permanently stopped.

Cause of death. Data on cause of death are based on the concept of underlying cause of death. Underlying cause of death has been defined as (a) the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury.

Death by violence is the result of accidents (all types of motor vehicles collision, falls, drowning, accidents caused by smoke, fire and flame, fire arms, etc.), suicides, homicides and other (violent death of undetermined intent, legal interventions and operations of war, complications of medical and surgical care).


Statistical national concepts and definitions 

Concept: Usually resident population 


A live-born child is a child who shows signs of life (breathing, i.e. heart beating) after birth, even for short, independently on the duration of the pregnancy.


If a child is born, i.e. extracted from the mother’s body with no sign of life, i.e. if she/he does not breath or show any sign of life, such as heart beating or muscle movements, and was carried over 28 weeks (7 lunar months), she/he is considered a stillborn (late foetal death).

Deceased person is a person for who after live birth, the permanent stoppage of all vital signs/functions is registered.

Deceased infant is a child for whom after live birth, and before one year of age all vital signs have permanently stopped.

Cause of death. Data on cause of death are based on the concept of underlying cause of death. Underlying cause of death has been defined as (a) the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury.

Death by violence is the result of accidents (all types of motor vehicles collision, falls, drowning, accidents caused by smoke, fire and flame, fire arms, etc.), suicides, homicides and other (violent death of undetermined intent, legal interventions and operations of war, complications of medical and surgical care).


Differences in statistical concepts and definitions: No differences  


03.5. Statistical unit

Births and Deaths


03.6. Statistical population

Statistical population: According to usual residence




03.7. Reference area

Republic of Serbia, Regions and Municipalities


Republic of Serbia Note: Since 1999, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is not responsible for certain data for the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, so that they are not included in the coverage of the Republic of Serbia data (total).

03.8. Coverage - Time

Live births and Deaths - first reference year 1961

Live births and Deaths - reference periods at which series occur 1961-1997, 1998-2023

Live births and Deaths - reason for the breaks is that we have not data for AP Kosovo and Metohija from 1998


03.9. Base period

Not applicable.

04. Unit of measureTop
04. Unit of measure

Units of measure are absolute numbers, rates, percentage points and coeffients.

05. Reference PeriodTop
05. Reference Period


The reference period for births and deaths are the calendar year.




06. Institutional MandateTop
06.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Law on Official Statistics

Official statistics program in the period from 2021 to 2025
Regulation on the establishment of the official statistics plan for 2023
Low on Registers
Law on Health Care
Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 205/2014
06.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Eurostat Demographic Balance Data Collection (DEMOBAL) 

Eurostat Population Statistics data collection (POPSTAT) 

Eurostat Demography Nowcast 

Causes of Death - General Mortality datafile

Causes of Death - Stillbirths and Neonatal Death datafile

Weekly mortality

EUROSTAT/OECD/WHO Joint data collection on non-monetary health statistics

07. Confidentiality Top
07.1. Confidentiality - policy

Law on Official Statistics published in "Official Gazette of RS", No. 104/09 (Articles 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49) аnd  No. 24/11 ensuring the confidentiality of data.

07.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not applicable.

08. Release policyTop
08.1. Release calendar

01.07. Statistical release of Vital Events

25.12 Demographic yearbook

 Annexes :
 Release Calendar
08.2. Release calendar access




 Annexes :
 Release calendar
08.3. Release policy - user access

Users access the press release, publications and database of relevant statistics through a website.


 Annexes :
 Births and Deaths

09. Frequency of disseminationTop
09. Frequency of dissemination


10. Accessibility and clarityTop
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Vital statistics, 2023 - online


 Annexes :
 Vital events, 2023
10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Publication online:

Demographic yearbook, Statistical Yearbook of Serbia, Municipalities and regions of the Republic of Serbia, 

Statistical pocketbook of the Republic of Sebia, Monthly statistical bulltin, Live births and deaths - previous results.

Statistical release online:

Vital events, 2023 






 Annexes :
 Demographic yearbook
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Within the area Population sub-areas Births and Deaths are tables Natural population change, Live births and deaths by sex, Birtha, Deaths.


 Annexes :
 Dissemination database
10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

The protection and safety of micro-data is carried out according to the defined procedure.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS), as the responsible producer of official statistics, ensures the use of anonymised microdata on the basis of the submitted request.

Microdata can be submitted for scientific and research purposes as well as on the basis of an individual request in accordance with the Rulebook on the manner and procedure of data provision produced by the SORS as well as Article 48 of the Law on Official Statistics (Provision of Individual Data Without Identifiers, "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 104/09).  


10.5. Dissemination format - other

Delivery of information at the request of the user is done in accordance with the Rules on dissemination of statistical data and services of the Republic Statistical Office and in accordance with Articles 39 and 43 of the provision on dissemination of data and information of the Law on Official Statistics ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 104/09 ).

10.6. Documentation on methodology


Demographic yearbook, Statistics of births, Statistics of deaths.


 Annexes :
 Demographic yearbook
10.7. Quality management - documentation

Not applicable.

11. Quality managementTop
11.1. Quality assurance


According to the European Statistical System, and according to the Quality Policy, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia seeks to harmonize fully the statistical production with the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP).

The Code of Practice of European Statistics was adopted by the European Statistical System Committee in 2005. The statistical authorities, which include the Commission (Eurostat), national statistical institutes and other national institutions responsible for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics, together with governments, ministries and the European Council, have committed themselves to compliance with this Code.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

During the year being processed - current year - data are compared on a monthly basis. Also, it is compared with the data of the corresponding month of the previous year.

The results of the current year are compared with data from the previous and previous years. 

If there are significant differences in the data presented, the reasons for the resulting data differences are analyzed.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. User needs

The main users of statistical data are government institutions, scientific institutions, individual requests, press, Non-Governmental Organizations, agencies and national organizations, international organizations etc.

They use statistics to improve their work and planning.

12.2. User satisfaction

User satisfaction survey - last one was conducted 2023

Customer orientation is one of the general principles in dissemination procedures.

To identify the needs and level of satisfaction of users using the products and services of statistics, the SORS conducts every two years, the Customer Satisfaction Survey, whose results are published on the site.


 Annexes :
 Quality management system
12.3. Completeness

Statistical data are fully produced in accordance with the plan and program of official statistics.

13. Accuracy and reliabilityTop
13.1. Overall accuracy

Overall accuracy


Since the data on births expressed in two surveys SORS (first results and final results of data on births), which means that each case is recorded in the survey First results and then processed in the framework of survey on births, it is considered that the information on the final number of births for the reference year is reliable and accurate. 


Since the data on deaths expressed in two surveys SORS (first results and final results of data on deaths), which means that each case is recorded in the survey First results and then processed in the framework of survey on deaths, it is considered that the information on the final number of deaths for the reference year is reliable and accurate. 



13.2. Sampling error

Surveys on births and deaths are conducted on the total population.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Surveys on births and deaths are conducted on the total population.

14. Timeliness and punctualityTop
14.1. Timeliness

According to Art 4 (2) of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 205/2014, each year Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with data at national and regional level as described in Annex II and related standard reference metadata ( In the metadata structure definition defined for the Euro SDMX Metadata Structure) for the reference year within 12 months of the end of the reference year. 

Informationс on vital events of year T-1 were collected until april the 1st of the year T; these data are disseminated at 1 July of year T.

Detailed data by sex, age and other characteristics for the demographic events of year T-1 are disseminated at 25 December of the year T.

14.2. Punctuality

Statistics on births and deaths are published in accordance with the pre-determined calendar of publications.

15. Coherence and comparabilityTop
15.1. Comparability - geographical

There is no special treatment of breaks in time series.

The practice is to write the following footnotes, when presenting the data on births and deaths for the Republic of Serbia for the period 1961-2023, which explain that data until 1997 refer to the territory of Serbia with region AP Kosovo and Metohija but, from the year 1998, data relate to territory Serbia without region AP Kosovo and Metohija.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Births and deaths:

The data are comparable from 1961 with the break in data series from 1998 (the data for Kosovo and Metohija are not available).



15.3. Coherence - cross domain


Statistics on births and deaths is the only source of data showing the number and structure of births and deaths in the Republic of Serbia.

15.4. Coherence - internal
In all publications, except in the monthly statistical bulletin and monthly statistical release SN41 Live births and Deaths, the data of vital statistics are published according to the mother's place of residence.
In the Monthly Statistical Bulletin and statistical release SN41 Live births and Deaths, the data is published according to the place of the event.

16. Cost and BurdenTop
16. Cost and Burden

The calculation of costs is based on material costs for printing and distribution of forms and the value of the number of hours spent by all employees in the work on these surveys sa well as costs of maintaining IT equipment. 

17. Data revisionTop
17.1. Data revision - policy

General revision policy of the Republic Institute for Statistics http:

The purpose of this document is to present the basic principles and standards for the implementation of revision of published statistical data, which are defined by the general policy of revision of the Statistical Offiece. The general revision policy of the Bureau is fully aligned with the guidelines in the ESS Guidelines on Revision Policy, which was adopted by the European Statistical System Committee.
The revision policy establishes the general rules for revisions of published data, the types of information to the users regarding possible causes of, revision, categorization of revision and documentation covering all aspects of revision. It is a global framework that allows each statistical area to define its policy of audit in accordance with its specificities.
Harmonization with UN and EUROSTAT recommendations and harmonization with census methodology every 10 years was done
17.2. Data revision - practice

In 1994 was completed the harmonization of vital statistics methodology with the methodology applied in the census 1991 and started its implementation in practice.

In 2005 we started to collect data on vital statistics according to the methodology that is harmonized with the methodology of the census, which was conducted in 2002.

In 2015 we started to collect data on vital statistics according to the methodology that is harmonized with the methodology of the census, which was conducted in 2011. 

The statistical surveys of births and deaths are implemented according to the methodology harmonized with UN Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System Revision 2, Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 of the European Parliament on European demographic statistics, Regulation (EU) No 205/2014.


18. Statistical processingTop
18.1. Source data

Registers of births and deaths, electronic and in paper, are kept in registrars' offices of every particular area of births and deaths.


18.2. Frequency of data collection

Data are collected monthly.

18.3. Data collection

Liveborn and stillborn - paper and electronic form

Paper form

The Statistical Office compiles methodological instructions, establishes instruments for carrying out research, forms the codes needed for research, prepares and prints statistical forms and distributes them to regional departments. District departments distribute patterns to the reporting units on their territory, collect data, control the scope, precision and completeness of data, perform data entry, logical control and data correction.

Electronic form

The data files on the born Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government are sent to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia for all births registered during the year. The data are delivered via an electronic form, in accordance with the Procedure for Takeover and use of data from administrative sources for statistical purposes.

Deceased - paper form

The Statistical Office compiles methodological instructions, establishes instruments for carrying out research, forms the codes necessary for research, prepares and prints statistic forms of the deceased and distributes them to regional departments.
The SORS regional departments distribute the survey forms to the reporting units in their territory, compile the filled forms, evaluate data coverage, accuracy and completeness, forward the forms to the public health institutions (where the authorized medical doctor shall extract the codes for the underlying cause of death and nature of injury from the Death certificate and copy them into the form DEM-2) and carry out the complete DEM-2 form entry and data corrections.
18.4. Data validation
The SORS regional departments evaluate data coverage, accuracy and completeness, and carry out data entry and corrections.
The final evaluation, analysis, creation of tables and data publishing is carried out at the SORS.

Correction of data correction implies individual and systemic correction of data using certain rules applied to a set of styles or on all syllables that satisfy a particular condition; implies a grave error (a systemic disadvantage in the process of data collection and processing). The correction of the syllables can be manual and automatic.

The logical imputation of the data implies the application of procedures by which the missing or inconsistent values ​​are replaced with values ​​that can be derived from a set of available data using logical rules.

A defective or inconsistent value can be replaced by an available value that has been confirmed from other administrative sources.


18.5. Data compilation

The data collection ends with a tabulation program. Tabulation is the use of a program for tabulating data by predetermined indicators and represents the final data processing phase.

Based on detailed population data and other vital events, rates, indices, averages are calculated using certain calculation methods.


18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. CommentTop
19. Comment

Not applicable.